Saturday, 14 November 2015

I noticed this sign nailed to a tree in a local neighbourhood the other day, and felt there was something weirdly familiar about it. On closer inspection I was very surprised to see it was actually one of my own stories from Tales from Outer Suburbia, about a water buffalo that used to live on a vacant lot of overgrown grass, but who has long since left. Life imitating art? Or just absorbing it back to where it rightfully belongs. Thanks to whoever nailed it to this tree!


  1. One of my favourite of your stories! Cool to see it in such apt surroundings.

  2. That magnificent fellow usually appears when we need see him. Wish I could see the show of your landscapes,but grateful you have shown some of them here.

  3. I really love that! Such a good idea!

  4. I really love your work as an artist.
    I have made my very own version of the lost thing.

  5. What's your email address. I want to know because I want to show you my lost thing. I tried the hachette one but it didn't work

  6. I'm very bad at answering email! But I would like to see your lost thing. You can try posting something, publishers will always forward paper mail, not so much email I think.

  7. Tales from Outer Suburbia is the book I love to share. Several friends of all ages are getting it for Christmas. It's an extraordinary and lovely book.

  8. Thanks, great to hear. I don't have favorites, but tales is the most personal of all my books, almost autobiographical.

    1. In many ways, it feels like the autobiography of childhood.


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