Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Evening cloud, Hillarys, oil 20 x 15cm


  1. this is wonderful - the sea is alive, while the cloud is a hat with a father in - clouds are always something as well as a cloud.

  2. A hat with a father in! No that is a bit much - how about a 'feather' instead.

    1. 'The cloud is a hat with a father in', a lost manuscript of ancient Japan. A wonderful phrase actually - how many story ideas begin life as typos?

  3. ......At the risk of sounding like a crazed fan, thank you for keeping an up to date blog. There are other artists I admire too and they always seem to drop off the face of the earth after only a few entries. As an art student, I really look up to you. Your paintings and books are a huge inspiration! ..okay, I'll stop being a "crazed fan" now. Have a great day.

    1. Much appreciated, I'll do my best to keep it up!


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